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uTab Educational Partner Programs

Estimates show that there are more than 200 million schools in the world. A simple calculation reveals that this equates to an average of one school in every square kilometer of global land mass. This is the size of the market that has a real need for uTab Educational School Management Software. It represents an excellent opportunity for uTab Educational’s partners to expand their business with a tried and trusted product.

uTab Educational is totally committed to supporting its partners who wish to market the uTab Educational school ERP system. We are aware of the demand that is out there for a

world class school ERP solution. At present, the market is dominated by two types of suppliers. One are the non-professional outfits who supply a solution but are unable to provide the vital after sales support that every institution needs The others offer high priced solutions that very often are beyond the budgetary capacity of most institutions. The uTab Educational system is perfectly positioned in terms of suitability, quality, pricing and after sales support. As a partner, you can easily tap into the huge potential that is out there at very low risk. You can select the partnership program that is best aligned to your values and objectives.

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